
Sunday, September 27, 2015

About a boy, and a skate park

Dear Diary,
After school the other day, Miriam and I went down to the skate park. Miriam is so much fun, and has got so good at boarding. I think she practices alot, and isn't afraid of a skinned knee.


We had boarded about a bit and were just sitting and chatting about nothing really when I noticed someone coming onto the park, and started to feel really warm all of a sudden, and unable to talk.

Miriam nudged me and asked if I was okay, and noticed where I was looking

Who's that? she asked.
What? I mumbled.
Who's that, she repeated, and pointed. He's waving at us.

Um, it's Andy from school.
I couldn't help smiling.
Oh, Andy hey?
Go on wave back, he might come over.

and he did!

Hey Maddie, he said.
Hey Andy, I could feel my stomach tighten.
Introduce me, Miriam whispered and nudged me.
Oh, Andy, this is my sister Miriam.
Miriam, ah, Pirate Miriam, hello.
Actually it's Bloody Morgan Bonney, or rather Captain Bloody Morgan Bonney, she replied, and Andy laughed.
Aye aye Capn, he saluted. Cool board, he praised, and we all laughed because we all had the same brand.
I've ah, been wondering if I've got my technique right with these half pipes, Andy, and she took off leaving Andy and me alone.

Wow she's fast, Andy praised.
No fear I think helps.
He laughed, For boarding skateboards or pirate ships I reckon.
We sat and watched Miriam's style for a bit.

I asked Catherine about fostering or adopting after the other day, and she reckons she might know your mum from the P and C meetings with the High School already.
Yeah, my mum said the same. Seems Catherine did a information talk at one of the meetings and that's what got my mum more keen on the idea.
Cool, so you might be a big brother soon.
I know, ah, I'm actually on my way home now cos we're supposed to be going to a meeting about it tonight. Seems I've got to be consulted in the process.
Wow, it's great and huge all at the same time, isn't it. I know I was involved lots when Catherine started doing it, wow when was that, 2010, and ever since really. I was the first she fostered, and it just went from there.
When did she adopt you?
Um, I almost started crying! 
Hey, it's alright, if you don't want to talk about it.
Sorry, no it's okay, it's still a mix of happy and sad, it was about a year after I first came, and it was obvious that I couldn't go back to my mum and dad, beside they were in England.
England!, so you're a pommy? 
I laughed, Well I came from there to get here, but not sure where I was before I got to England.
Hmm, a dark secret past, I like it.
I laughed even harder. Andy was just so easy to talk to, a relief really.

Hey Miri.., I mean Captain Bloody Morgan Bonney, Andy called out.

I think you've got a loose wheel.

I try to keep some tools in my bag when I'm out on my board, just in case

Wow, cool decals.

Yeah, they're okay, but I'm thinking of doing it over, pirate themed. Like a Jolly Roger or something.

Wow that feels better, cool thanks.

I think you'll make a great big brother, 
Or a Board Mechanic.
Hehe, yeah, well I like to be safe I guess.

You gonna have a go, while I'm here? I can see if I need to adjust your board.
Sure, okay, thanks.
I rode around for a bit and noticed Miriam sitting up near Andy, I couldn't quite hear what they were talking about, but there was a louder arhar or two.

After a little while Andy had to head off. I wished him luck and confidence.

He took off down the half pipe, and I noticed Miriam stopped him.

And was talking to him again.

and gave him something.

and he left.

Hey Maddie, Andy's really nice.
I know.
He even likes Pirates.
Oh good.
So I invited him to our Talk like a Pirate Day.

You did what?

So he'll hopefully come over on Saturday, and she ran off giggling.



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