
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Miss Emily and Coconut go to School

Hey Coconut its January 20, Puppy Preschool starts today, we'd better get going.

Hey Emily!
You're still in your pajamas

Oh no, how embarrasing, they are really comfy though, but I want to keep them nice

You wait here Coconut, good boy, I'll be right back. You mind this voucher for me.

With a more sensible outfit on, for puppy preschool, Emily headed back for the waiting Coconut.
Running late!
Hoh, there's someone talking to Coconut, I hope they don't steal him.

Oh hi, is this your puppy?
He's very well behaved.
Hmm, yeah he sure is, he is a good boy.

We're just off to Puppy Preschool, and we're running a bit late.

Oh, where is that being held?
In the next room.
Do you mind if I come with you, I was trying to find it myself and got a bit lost, there are so many big doors in this human house and no signs, so I had no idea where to go.
Sure, I'll show you.

My name's Anya, by the way.
Oh, hee hee, I'm Emily and this is Coconut.
Here we are, looks like we're the last to arrive.

You're not the last, said the girl with the dragons. We're still waiting for the teacher.

Hi everyone, I'm Anya, the dog trainer.  Thanks so much for waiting, I got a little bit lost. But came across a very helpful guide and her puppy, (hoh that's me!) and looks like we're ready to start. We'll go round the room and introduce ourselves. 

Hi, I'm Danny Targarean and these are my dogs Dragon Green and Dragon Purple.

I'm Ashley and this is My Great Dane Jasper (they say Great Danes are as big as a horse)

I'm Charlize Brown and this is Snoopy

These are my dogs Flopsy and Mopsy, oh my names Esther

This is Prince and I'm Cordelia

I'm Jemima and this is my dog Bill Grogan, he thinks he is a goat, but also loves to wear a bumble bee suit

Tragedy struck! Bill Grogan was showing his flying trick, and Flopsy and Mopsy wanted to play as well. Unfortunately it didn't look like play.

Anya stepped in when Jemima and Esther could not control the situation. She must be a dog whisperer or something, she just stepped up and said in a confident calm voice
and the dogs all stood back.
She was soo cool.
Some of the others showed what their dogs could do and then it was our turn..

We walked around the room, Coconut on his lead.

I even got a clap!
We got shown how to give treats as reward to help teach our puppies to sit and beg, and Anya reckons that once they got the hang of it you don't always need to reward them with food, but sometimes just a pat or a kind comment keeps them aware that everything is alright.

We had so much fun, and at the end Anya had a certificate for us.

Coconut got the "Best Behaved Award", I was so proud.

We took it back to our room and stuck it on the cupboard.

You were such a good boy Coconut, ahh you're so nice to cuddle.  Did you have fun?  I do wonder about some of the other dogs there tonight, do you think there was some confusion as to what a dog is?


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