
Saturday, October 3, 2015

About a boy, and Pirate Ship picture

Dear Diary,  Monday 21st of  September

I'm feeling a little miserable, I went to school today with a picture of the completed Brick Bounty (the Lego ship) to show Andy, and was waiting for him in the locker hall before school, he didn't show, but some of the girls in his year noticed me and started looking at me funny, I didn't wait around then, and went to class.
At recess I went back to the locker hall to swap my books and the picture fell onto the floor. I wasn't quick enough to get it, the girls that had been in the hall earlier were there again, and one of them grabbed it away, and started teasing me, "Lego! my baby brother plays with that", "Do you still play with toys?" and "Lego Girl, Lego Girl, a few bricks short", and then one of them Pepper I think her name is said she'd seen me trying to hang out with Andy like some lovesick fool, watching the cricket tryouts and playing mixed team soccer, and that she was sure he was not interested in being with such a tomboy baby, and that she knew for a fact he was with Krystle  and well if she saw me hanging around Andy there was bound to be some trouble. Well I tried to take the picture back, but the teasing got worse and the picture was torn, and I couldn't stop the tears and ....
just a minute someone's at my door

Dear Diary, it's Still Monday, and you wont believe what I just found out. Mariana was just at my door and gave me this

yes its a repaired picture of the Brick Bounty, the same picture I'd brought to school today. Mariana said she was in the hallway at recess as well and saw the older girls picking on me, and knowing where Andy was, he had been late coming to school because of the Family counselling thing, was in the front office getting a late slip, and she went and got him, but by the time they got back I was gone, and the girls tried to hide the picture but he'd seen it and took it and told them off, and said they were just scared of being different from the rest of the clones.
Mariana said she bumped into Andy again just after the end of last class, he said he hadn't seen me all day, and that had him a little worried, Mariana was worried as well, until Catherine picked her and Josefina up at the gate, and Catherine explained I had got the front office to ring her to take me home early. Mariana said Andy had walked with her to the school gate, so he knew I was okay. Mariana then said Andy gave her the picture, he had taped it up, and said very specifically that he wanted to give it back.
After the recess incident I had hidden for a little while in the year 9 girls toilets. No one hardly ever goes there (even though year 9s are meant to) cos its right at the end of the Science block like no where near any of the grounds we use during recess, and is dingey and the wet day smokers hang out in there, when its wet, which it wasn't, so I could be alone, and compose myself. I guess I was upset mostly for the public knowledge that maybe I was crushing on Andy. Its different to my sisters guessing it, and teasing, to them its not out of spite, to the girls at school though it is like a battle, of biting words and scratching reputations. I almost had no doubt that the Krystle they mentioned, and I did often notice her amongst the group that seemed to linger around Andy's locker, would be willing to fight over what she deemed hers.
So I couldn't stand the thought of going to class, to the point that I thought I was going to be sick. When the girls at my school get a notion to terrorise someone, it doesn't stop at the same year, it spreads like wildfire, and so I went to the front office to see if Catherine could come get me early. Luckily she was able to leave work, her work are fairly reasonable when it comes to family related issues, and she came to the school. I was otherwise going to be sitting in the sickbay all day, and it was way too risky of being found by anybody.
Catherine was worried about me, but I couldn't tell her. If I said I was being teased over Lego, she would want to talk to the Principal about bullying, and that would really make things worse cos I'd have to name names, and that would just add fuel to any fire if people were being made to apologise or anything. So I just said I was feeling sick, which wasn't lying, cos I did. Could I talk to her about Andy? I think I will, soon, but not yet, it's not like it's anything, but he did fix my picture, ooh and look there's something on the back ...



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