
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Journey Girl Thing or Two

Toysrus Australia had a few Journey Girl outfits and dolls from the Paris collection in store.  I am trying not to buy any more of the girls unless they are different to their predecessors, eg Callie without the fringe (bangs), Chavonne/Taryn with the two puffy pigtails. Kyla II was just too gorgeous not to get, and well she does look a little different to Kyla I.
Anyway we'll see how well my resolve holds out.  I've seen a boyover of Taryn/Chavonne, I think Froggy did one , yes here 'tis
I'm not sure if the other girls would be so successful, Kelsey as per her TRU profile has a twin brother - very tempting.
Anywho, for now I bought some outfits..

modelled by Ginni (aka Dana)

love the shoes and the handbag, and the big bumblebee glasses, it also came with a little magazine 
full of other lovely tempting things to someday add to the collection

I've got that raincoat with gumboots, and there's pigtailed Taryn/Chavonne

no bangs Callie


And something to put their things in..
It is a Kmart Australia issued 18" doll collection.
is there such a thing as too may wardrobes?
On the subject of family members, could Shannon (Callie) have a little sister?

(dolly's do selfies too)
This is Heart 4 Hearts doll Tipi.  Their skin tone and hair colour are pretty close.  My Tipi has the exception of what the seller called an end of release eye colour, I am still getting used to, and well might be my excuse for getting Tipi II
 They're purple!!  I plan to change her name.

Whilst on the subject of relatives, Kyla II is actually Rachel's cousin, I was thinking sister when she first came, but decided differently as I wanted them the same age-ish but not twins (besides they arrived on different days)
Please welcome Keiralee Hourigan (Rachels cousin).  Keiralee has deeper coloured lips and more rouge. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Some new things

It has taken a little while, but finally I finished it today - granny square rug for Abigail
Pattern found on Liberty Jane
Abigail is a big fan of bees.

The Toyroom shelves have been a little bit over crowded, and after lengthy search through my pics, there is no evidence. Anywho there was a problem and I think its fixed

hmm unless they want more toys.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

What February did In "The Year of the Shoe"

VERY high heeled pink shoes

Black boots, red sneakers, grey Mary Janes

and a pair of donkey slippers.

A new Dolly, or two

A little bit of Disney, she was just too cute to pass by, with her little bow and arrows.

And, Journey Girls Kyla (aka Alana) from the Paris collection, yes I already have a Kyla but, in Kyla's profile she has a sister, ( I was trying to find the link but no luck yet, however the TRU site shows the next release of the girls will be "London" dolls, cool)

Floral Tshirt, ruffled Tulle skirt, footless socks with boots, and a faux sheepskin lined jacket (impressed by the jacket the faux is even all on the inside of the sleeves)

With her sister Rachel.